Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor - A Call For Charity Help

It was indeed an eye opening experience, as always the case when we have the chance to visit home like these. The good folks from DeBancco Group organized a charity visit, where household items, consumable items, toys and cash were donated to the Persatuan Pejagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor. A happy multi-racial home with children of ages ranging from 3 months to 26, PKKCK is currently taking care of over 80 handicapped children with disabilities such as Down's Syndrome, autism, blindness, deafness, muteness, mental retardation and others.

Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor - A Call For Charity Help
Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor - A Call For Charity Help

Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor
No. 4, Lorong Bunga Raya, Kampong Raja Uda, 
42000 Port Klang, Selangor
Tel Number: 03-31654312
Fax: 03-31655616

One does not fully appreciate the life that they lead until they see the sufferings of others, and here at the Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor, or PPKKCK for short will definately jolt you into the realization that there are way more unfortunate souls in this world that we are living in. Arriving in the afternoon, a strong team of 30 of us from DeBancco Group were at the home to help carry the donation items as well as to help out as much as we can. 

Donation items being carried out from the cars
Donation items being carried out from the cars
One part of the many consumables and household items to help out the home
One part of the many consumables and household items to help out the home
A small donation of RM3,000 was also presented to PPKKCK that afternoon
A donation of RM3,000 was also presented to PPKKCK that afternoon

The home is equipped with a live-in teacher who educates, trains and grooms the children in the hopes of them living an independent life and to contribute to the society in the future. Full time staffs were also employed to look after and help the children in their daily activities like feeding, cleaning and bathing. I was told two voluntary occupational therapists from the General Hospital would visit them twice a week to conduct therapy sessions for the children. 

A child laying in bed, confined to it the rest of his life
A child laying in bed, confined to it the rest of his life 
Efforts were made by the occupational therapists to try to straighten their limbs of the younger ones
Efforts were made by the occupational therapists to try to straighten their limbs of the younger ones

It was indeed a rather sad sight, one which tugs at your emotions especially when the sight of those young children, confined to a lifetime in bed. There was even one who has been bed-ridden for 22 years of his life. There were other children as well, with various degrees of disabilities, and here at the Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor, every effort is being done to tend and care for them. 

The children are rather close with each other and loving to visitors
The children are rather close with each other and loving to visitors
Inside the home
Inside the home
The good people from PPKKCK helping to care for the disabled children
The good people from PPKKCK helping to care for the disabled children

Thirty of the children who are capable of attending special schools are being sent by PPKKCK to these special schools around Klang and Petaling Jaya where they are taught basic reading and writing skills. They are also given the opportunity to interact with other disabled children and develop their interpersonal skills. 

This bright kid is blind in one eye
This bright kid is blind in one eye
Teddy bears were donated too that afternoon
Teddy bears were donated too that afternoon

However, children with more severe disabilities, especially the bed-ridden ones, cannot attend the special training, hence will stay at home where they are looked after by teachers. The children are also taught some basic living skills such as bathing, putting on their own clothes, brushing their teeth and eating on their own. In later years, these self help skills will hopefully enable them to be more independent and look out for each other. 

He seems really happy with the given soft toy
He seems really happy with the given soft toy
Posing for the camera
Posing for the camera

It was indeed a heartwarming sight, when I saw that the children were really very close to each other, helping each other out. Often they can be seen hugging or holding hands with each other. Life for them is really very simple, and it doesn't take much to make them happy. We tried our best to bring out the smiles in those that are able to express their feelings. I was also told, each day the children will be allocated play time, which gives them plenty of opportunity to express themselves physically. 

A couple of us learning more about the child's condition
A couple of us learning more about the child's condition
Sights like this makes you really appreciate your life a lot more
Sights like this makes you really appreciate your life a lot more
Another DeBancco group member giving some care and attention to the children
Another DeBancco group member giving some care and attention to the children

The children seem to love and accept all the attention given by us that day, especially when we spent time talking and playing with them. Currently Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor is occupying a rented double storey bungalow house located in Port Klang with the rental being RM2,100 each month. They are still in dire need of more cash and donations as each day passes, more funds are needed to upkeep and maintain the homes and staff. 

A new admission
A new admission 
Mr Morgun, the president and founder of PPKKCK
Mr Morgun, the president and founder of PPKKCK

With 68 multi-racial special children from all over Semanjung, Sabah and Sarawak, these children are diagnosed with down syndrome, cerebal palsy, autism, spastic, muscular dystrophy, mild mental retardation, vision, speech, hearing impaired and many other disabilities. I had a short chat with Mr Morgun, the president and founder of the home, and he explained how they are trying to make ends meet, putting up a call for help to all the good souls out there. 

Angpows were given that afternoon to the children
Angpows were given that afternoon to the children

With a list of expenditure totaling up to RM37,290 per month, I realize how in need they are for donations, especially in cash form. Check out the list of expenditure given to me by Mr Morgun below:

1. Rental -                                     RM 2,300 per month
2. Utility Bill -                              RM 2,500 per month
3. Home maintenance and food - RM 9,840 per month
4. Special school fees -                 RM 2,650 per month
5. Wages for 15 staffs -                 RM 20,000 per month

A group shot of us from DeBancco Group with the children
A group shot of us from DeBancco Group with the children

Donations given to the Persatuan Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Klang Selangor will be issued with a tax-exempted receipt where the donor can get tax exemption for their tax claims. For me it was a really eye opening experience, thanks to DeBancco Group for organizing the effort. It really made me realize there are way more unfortunate folks in this world. Do visit them or given them a call to learn more, and how you can do your bit for charity today itself! 


  1. So how much did you give? Real sad to see, so pitiful. Is there a bank account number for people to transfer money to donate? Easier than sending a cheque or postal/money order. No need for a receipt for tax exemption - that would qualify one's generosity, I must say. Give, do not expect anything in return and one would be truly blessed.

  2. Kesian jua mcm kn nangis


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