My Aesthetic Beauty Treatment Part 1 @ Mediviron UOA Clinic

Have you ever had that feeling that your face, tummy or overall body could do with some change? I have that every single day, and every day I felt that I had to do something about it, either to diet, exercise, or basically anything short of plastic surgery. An opportunity for change arose a couple of weeks back when I was approached by Mediviron UOA Clinic Kuala Lumpur, one of the top notch  aesthetic center locally for a consultation and probably subsequent treatment. 

My Aesthetic Beauty Treatment Part 1 @ Mediviron UOA Clinic
My Aesthetic Beauty Treatment Part 1 @ Mediviron UOA Clinic

Mediviron UOA Clinic
Address: LG 9, Lower Ground Floor, Wisma UOA II, Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel:+603-2163 5699
Fax:+603-2163 5698
Mobile:+6017-2163 569

Founded in 2001, Mediviron UOA Clinic is a top-notch aesthetic center which is sited in the heart of KL’s Golden Triangle, providing a comprehensive range of non-surgical aesthetic procedures and advanced laser treatments.

Mediviron UOA Clinic is dedicated to serve our clients’ needs by providing confidential, professional and personalized aesthetic services to both local and regional market. Our highly experienced doctors and expert medical staff will make sure you feel confident and knowledgeable about your treatment options. It is our desire to help determine the best treatment for the results you seek.

My doctor for the day, Dr Lashela
My doctor for the day, Dr Lashela

Arriving at Mediviron UOA Clinic, I initially did not have any plans of doing any treatment, and was just there for a comprehensive doctor's consultation. That's where I was introduced to Dr Lashela who in the consultation highlighted the importance of customizing a treatment for my skin condition, and 'fattiness' and giving me the opportunity to discuss any concerns I had. 

During the consultation, I highlighted that my face was a tad too fat and round, wanting a more chiseled look to it
During the consultation, I highlighted that my face was a tad too fat and round, wanting a more chiseled look to it

Did I have any concerns? Yes I did! And it had everything to do with how rounded my face have gotten over the years from the rich and fatty food intake, majority of it going into my cheeks, chin and upper neck area. When I was given a choice of whether I wanted it to remain this way, or go for Mediviron UOA Clinic's state of the art MesoLipo Fat Melting Injection Procedure, I took it up after a short consideration. 

Fancy getting your cheeks pinched by the doctor?
Fancy getting your cheeks pinched by the doctor?

Okay, a quick introduction into the procedure I am getting myself into is in order. Some may question the 'rashness' of my decision, to go ahead immediately that morning with the procedure. Well, I guess I was pretty confident that it will help me, as it is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no cutting and stitching of body parts. Check out below on a short brief on what MesoLipo Fat Melting Injection is all about:
  • MesoLipo fat melting injection using Mesotherapy method specifically target localized fat and cellulite deposits. This less-invasive alternative to liposuction at the Mediviron UOA Clinic slowly dissolves the deposits with injections of fat-dissolving substances. The body naturally eliminates the residue over the following 3 to 4 weeks.
  • MesoLipo fat melting injection at Mediviron UOA Clinic consists of small injections of a natural soy bean lecithin and enzymes that are highly effective for dissolving the small, stubborn fat deposits that resist diet and exercise. This treatment consists of a series of small injections into the target areas of localized fat.
  • It is an excellent method for eliminating localized fat deposits, within a clinical setting. You can obtain results after 4 or more  treatments. It is a quick office procedure and any side effects such as temporary bruising, swelling and soreness are minimal and temporary. 

The really comfortable Asthetic Premier Room for folks like me to relax and prepare for our procedures
The really comfortable Asthetic Premier Room for folks like me to relax and prepare for our procedures

After agreeing to do the MesoLipo Fat Melting Injection procedure, my face needed to be numbed, as the procedure does not require any general anesthetic. This means, the injections will go directly into my facial fats, with promises of burning it off within a couple of treatments. Numbing cream was applied to the areas to be injected. Fortunately I was in high spirit that morning and did not think much about the needles. 

Hey, that's me with the numbing cream on my face
Hey, that's me with the numbing cream on my face

What happens next? How long does the MesoLipo Fat Melting Injection procedure take? More importantly, does it hurt when multiple injections were administered to the fats on my face, chin and upper neck? 

Well, remember to check out my next post then, as I talk about how I nearly 'chickened out' from the room, and how my face looks after the procedure. As I sit here typing, I'm really excited to share on my experiences in the treatment room, but I guess that has to wait for my subsequent post. For now, remember to check out Mediviron UOA Clinic's website at!


  1. Wahhhh....end up looking like those Korean K-pop hunks? Wink! Wink!

  2. K-Pop.. muahahaha... Go Isaac

  3. on face!!!! i did on my thigh.. =x

  4. Wow, looking forward for the next post!


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