Laser Tag At Laser Warzone ICity Shah Alam

Have you ever tried the latest craze in town? Laser tag, a new form of "paintball" minus the mess, the heat and pain. I've always thought Paintball should be renamed 'Pain'ball as there's a whole lot of pain involved in that game. But hey, in laser tag battles, the only pain you will get would be the heartache when you get shot and lose the game! I have had the chance to try out this laser tag game over in this cool new place in I-City Shah Alam called Laser Warzone with 25 other fellow bloggers thanks to Elwyn who invited us.

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Laser Warzone with the tagline "The Ultimate Lasertag Challenge"
Laser Warzone
Unit K-14-1, 
Jalan Multimedia 7/AH,Citypark, 
I-City,shah alam, 
40000 Selangor, Malaysia
Mon - Fri: 1:00 pm-1:00 am
Sat - Sun: 10:00 am-1:00 am

Laser Warzone is an intense and immersive multi-interactive laser tag arena located in the city of lights, I-City in Shah Alam. We reached the location rather early in the morning, as the event was slotted to start at 10am. I was excited as this would be the first time I'm going for a laser tag battle.

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Laser Warzone decor which was rather comfy, just like home.
As I always say, an event is never successful without food involved and I'm glad to see a buffet breakfast spread prepared just for the bunch of us. How thoughtful. Check out the photos below for images of our heavy breakfast. Of course, it is not advisable to take too much just before the battle, as it may hinder your movements and you'll get sluggish (eg: get shot more often).

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
#1 Food Spread for the hungry bloggers
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
#2 More Food ..

After breakfast, we were then briefed on the mechanics of laser tag. The staffs and marshalls of Laser Warzone were very friendly and provided full guidance on the rules and how the game is being played. We were to be divided into 4 teams, playing league style. Each game will last 10 minutes, with 2 teams battling it out in the arena.

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Armory Room where the laser guns and vests are kept.

The laser gun was attached to the vest which was rather colorful with the LED lights and all. There was a sensor below the gun which we had to hold for it to function (this is to ensure we hold the gun with 2 hands, one covering the sensor and another on the trigger). 4 target sensors were attached to the front of the vest, while a 1 was attached to the back. If we were to get shot, the LED's will turn white indicating we're shot and our guns will cease to function for exactly 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, you're back to being Rambo, or Terminator. 

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Some very cool glow in the dark paintings.
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Laser Warzone arena (pre-batlle)
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Laser Warzone Arena (During the battle where everywhere is dark except for the glow, LEDs and lasers)

After a quick tour of the arena, all of us were pretty hyped up and raring to give it a shot. One quick briefing later, and we were off into the arena in teams of two! Check out some of our pictures before the battle.There was going to be 3 battles up to the finals, so we were pretty tired after the event.

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Fellow bloggers in deep concentration while listening to the briefing
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Team SpyOptic! (From L-R: Ken and friend, Janice, Isaac Tan, Kian Fai)
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
Team Crusher! (From L-R: Melissa, friend, Qian, KM Liau, Tony and Iris)

So it began! My goodness, even though it's just 10 minutes of gameplay, the adrenaline rush was enough to get all of us drenched in sweat heaving profusely. I for one was extremely tired after each round because I was still not fully recovered from the flu. Like soldiers, we rushed in cornering, searching, targeting, and shooting the enemy, bringing them down one soldier at a time. The feeling was exhilarating to say the least!

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
The score board for the finals, I'm Falcon by the way, some ego boosting moment there!

Each team had to go through 3 battles, culminating in the final battle to see who will be the champion. My team, SpyOptics managed to survive and fight through until the finals where we lost to Crusher. But it was all good, because we knew we played our best, in the end of the day we're all fun bloggers anyway!

laser tag event at Laser Warzone
The Champions with their trophy and medals!
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
The runner-ups. I noticed how disorganized we were in this photo.
laser tag event at Laser Warzone
One for the album!

Laser Warzone I-City really gave us a good experience of playing laser tag, and with its advanced equipments and lasers, you know you won't go wrong even if you're a first time player like myself. At a rather affordable price of RM15 for members, and RM18 for non-members, anybody can enjoy laser tag. The best thing is I heard Milkadeal is going to come up with a good deal for Laser Warzone, so keep a watch out for it!

laser tag event at Laser Warzone


  1. Salute.. Nice game...

  2. benjamin foo8:39 PM

    nice post. link it to their fan page as well. 

  3. Benjamin, Sweet, OK XD

  4. Nikel, it was a awesome day out with all of you. Loving it. XD

  5. Rexs Leornard9:07 PM

    Yo dude,I'll get this pic of yours and backlink it to you.. is dat OK?? ^_^.v..(-Rexs)

  6. jfook9:10 PM

    haha kian fai looks like mafia.. lol

  7. hildamilda9:18 PM

    I wanna try laser tag!! Always see the cast in How I Met Your Mother plays it :P I miss so much fun when I'm away )):

  8. Rexs, no problem bro. It'll be an honour :)

  9. young people can go ahead and have fun! I'll just help myself to the food. LOL!!!

  10. reana ct11:18 PM

    Looks like fun for all of you, Isaac! So what's the next event... life seems to be very interesting in KL leh..

  11. It was a tiring yet FUN day!!

  12. awesome game. I like it. P

  13. u really had so much fun there! congrats!

  14. hey, looks interesting and fun!! how i wished i could be there to join everyone for the fun.. and oh, yummy food to serve as well, typical malaysian food, haha, i love that!! :)

  15. so much fun u guys had! it's not expensive for a group outing though! :D

  16. Submerryn12:10 PM

    Yeah lah, that pix.. can see that there is so many cameras around as everyone is looking dunno where. One look here, one look there.. :P

    The eggs look like to die for.. aarrgh!!!!

  17. looks interesting!

  18. Laser tag is awesome! Good exercise. lol

  19. Smallkucing7:25 PM

    looks fun. It's inside I-city?The entrance fee how much? Last time if wanna go into I-city have to pay RM10.

  20. Handsome la you Isaac! The Black Horse is you :P hahaha nah all the while u dam keng XD

  21. Rebecca4:15 AM

    I totally agree w u on hw exhausting it can be aft a mere 10mins! LOL. it's like all adrenaline & ur puffing & huffing aft that! Also, ir ur down w flu, I can imagine hw tiring a session can be, cos you're already drained to begin with.
    Had a good game at the one in MV & yea, food before a game is totally unadvisable!

  22. moonlight_zone9:40 AM

    Sounds interesting, I don't think thy will allow kids enter the game... anyway, my husband would love it!^^


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