U.S. Potatoes Bloggers' Culinary Challenge @ KDU University College

U.S Potatoes, they invited a bunch of fellow bloggers for their Christmas themed Blogger's Culinary Challenge end of last year. Sorry for the late writeup, but hey, better late than never yes? I was there with the great bunch, with one aim in mind, to whip up an awesome dish using the potatoes. How cool is that, especially for someone like myself, who can't cook to save my life. Read on below.

U.S. Potatoes Bloggers' Culinary Challenge @ KDU University College

Held at KDU University College in Glenmarie Shah Alam, we were there pretty early. I was paired with Ivy, and together we were determined to make our very own baked potato wedges. I figured it is the easiest dish to do, boy was I wrong. Anyways, we had the oven, potatoes, and lots of adrenaline and excitement to spur us on. 

U.S Potatoes, various range of products
U.S Potatoes, various range of products

Do you love potatoes? Well, to me other than the fact people shy away from this wonderful source of Vitamin C and Potassium would be because they are afraid of the carbs. But then, the pros far outweigh the possibility of spoiling your diet, as it has a super low calorie count and no FAT at all! Just whip up a healthy dish, and you're good to go. Enjoy. 

Hey, a BIG Potato!
Hey, a BIG Potato! 
So many types of potatoes which can be used to whip up that perfect dish
So many types of potatoes which can be used to whip up that perfect dish

One medium (148g) potato with skin contains 2 grams or 8 percent of the recommended daily intake of fibre, so there you go, some facts for you. During the event, before our cooking culinary challenge, we were treated to a demonstration by Chef Kenneth Kam, who taught us more than a thing or two on the best way to prepare scrumptious dishes from potatoes. 

Chef Kenneth Lam in action during the demonstration
Chef Kenneth Lam in action during the demonstration
Hey good looking, and I don't mean the potatoes
Hey good looking, and I don't mean the potatoes

It didn't take much to get us pumped up for the challenge ahead. From the word go, I was already cutting, slicing, and marinating my potatoes. We decided to bake our wedges, after marinating it in spices and herbs. The Bloggers' Culinary Challenge ran for about 2 hours, and it was fun all the way. Of course, ours was pretty simple to make, as compared to the very elaborate dishes the other bloggers did. Hey, everyone's a winner right? 

Everyone's creations
Everyone's creations
Ours, baked Christmas themed Potato Wedges
Ours, baked Christmas themed Potato Wedges

Overall, it was all good fun, an event which made me appreciate potatoes even more. Thanks to U.S Potato for the invite. Learnt lots about the health benefits of potatoes, and watching the other bloggers' cook, I realised I still have a long long way to go to catch up. Beautiful people, beautiful event, a great morning at the U.S. Potatoes Bloggers' Culinary Challenge @ KDU University College. 


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