A Cooler Room With Panasonic

Okay, I'm pretty sure most of you have an aircond somewhere in the house, probably a couple of air conds. As for me, getting an air conditioning unit for the first time is a really big step. Not life changing, but definately a more comfortable change.

Since young, I did not have the pleasure to enjoy an air conditioned room. Recently the hot weather had been really getting to me, so I decided to splurge on an air conditioner for my room. The model that I went for? It was a Panasonic 1.5HP CS-S13MKH unit.

Panasonic aircond
My new room fixture

This particular Panasonic model comes with an inverter which is said to be able to save the electricity costs by at least 40% compared to a standard air cond. I'll explain on the inverter portion in a while further down. A quick check from the manual and online specs educated me on some of the cool functions integrated in the aircond.

Inverter Deluxe
* Intelligent Inverter
* 5 Star Energy Rating Product
* ADVANCED+PLUS e-ion Air Purifying System with Patrol Sensor
* Mild Dry Cooling
* Btu/h 12,500 (3,140 -14,300)

Panasonic aircond
Patrol sensor, a sensor for air health check

More information on the inverter part. Inverter air conditioner units have been introduced not too long ago. The concept is fairly simple, a standard aircond without inverter runs on an "On-max speed" and "Off" stage to reach your set temperature. Meaning when its too cold, the aircond will switch "Off" and only "On" back when it drops below the threshold, controlled by a thermostat.

In an inverter air cond however, it continues running, but is able to regulate its speed, meaning when a threshold is reached, it runs at a slower speed, thus consuming less energy. It does not run at full energy levels all the time. This new technology translates to energy savings. Of course, my explanation may be too basic, for more info do check out wikipedia on this link below.

Panasonic aircond
One of the functions

As for me, I'm just glad that I won't have to suffer hot weather during the afternoons any more. This addition to my room set me back RM1.8k (1.6 for the unit with compressor, and 0.2 for installation charges), pretty pricey because of the inverter and higher horsepower at 1.5HP. My next plan will be to install at least 1 of these babies at my parents' house. It will make their home so much more comfortable.

Panasonic aircond
The remote control

Nang My Innit Post Here!


  1. Ok wah perfect for the hot weather lol

  2. like max max cos it is more green.. save energy.. =)

  3. did they pay u to do this? LOL... i am good without aircon... if there's aircon then i'll turn it on every single day! :P

  4. looks like a small fridge to me :P haha does it come with built-in starter or you need to have physical eternal starter. man, i still nid to wait a long time to buy my first mini air cond lol

  5. haha you even write a review on an aircond, cool :D life is always better with aircond!

  6. Starting to contribute to the CFC content in the air, eh? LOL!!! Wait till you get the electricity bill at the end of the month. Muahahahaha!!!

  7. haha! i saw this commercial on tv too! nicey! enjoy ur new aircond! :D

    My Stories

  8. Small Kucing: definately cooling in my room now. Sometimes make me want to go home during work and sleep! Wahahaha.

    JFook: My room is nearly perfect now. Now it only needs a 50 inch LCD TV !!! Wahahahaha.

    Qi Wen: Hehehe, not really very green lo, air cond is actually not very good for the environment, but I cannot stand the heat levels in my room already.

    Nal: Thanks for dropping by bro. :)

    Henry: LOL, nope, no payment for writing this. Wahahaha, wish i got paid though. Bro, once u try an airconditioned room, definately don't want to switch it off! Hahaha.

    CW: I think should be internal, coz this is one of the latest models by Panasonic.

    Hilda: LOL, I can write about anything under the sun, especially on stuff which I have experienced first hand. Hehe. If only I had the cash to get something new every day! ><

    STP: Aww, now that's a scary thought. But I heard that the increment in bill will be less than rm50, hopefully thats true. :)

    Caroline: Oh! It's on TV? I haven't watched TV for like a year already, got TV in room, but no antenna >< Thanks! will definately enjoy it.

  9. Cool! tQ for explaining the inverter. My aircon is on everyday 24/7 non stop as it runs on natural resources fresh air...haha cannot afford to pay electrical bill lah..hahaha. Only use the fan not in favour of ac at home. Office got ac and in the car also choked up with ac, so I better skip ac at home and you might be surprised hardly use the fan while sleeping at night. Its cool and airy in the room plus sleeping in the nude lagi cool~;).

  10. ya ya
    heard that this one is a good one with inverter

    something fishy this 1st april

  11. wow it's design is so awesome

  12. I also use panasonic.. not bad one..

  13. Inverter is that expensive right? But it will be more affordable in the long run. :)

  14. Bananaz: Nono, no need to thank me. I must thank you for visiting my blog. I'm only sharing what little knowledge I have.

    Omg! Too much details bro. Sleeping in the nude? :P

    Shah: Yep, it's good bro. Thanks for visiting my blog yea, favour returned.

    Catherine: The air cond does look hi tech and rather futuristic. XD

    Claire: Oh! I heard panasonic is a pretty reliable brand, but at a cost. I guess you get what you pay for nowadays.

    Tekkaus: True! I'm hoping it will remain affordable for a long long time in the future. XD

  15. Bananaz: Nono, no need to thank me. I must thank you for visiting my blog. I'm only sharing what little knowledge I have.

    Omg! Too much details bro. Sleeping in the nude? :P

    Shah: Yep, it's good bro. Thanks for visiting my blog yea, favour returned.

    Catherine: The air cond does look hi tech and rather futuristic. XD

    Claire: Oh! I heard panasonic is a pretty reliable brand, but at a cost. I guess you get what you pay for nowadays.

    Tekkaus: True! I'm hoping it will remain affordable for a long long time in the future. XD

  16. I also use panasonic.. not bad one..

  17. haha you even write a review on an aircond, cool :D life is always better with aircond!


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